Honorable, Steadfast and Dedicated

"Mr. Siemens had an unwavering ability to continually and concisely analyze my high-conflict child custody case. From our very first meeting, I had every confidence that I could entrust him with the most precious and important thing in my life, the outcome of my young son's future and safety. Throughout the process, he and his case manager, Lorey Taylor, were always there to answer the phone, provide advice and help me find clarity and calmness under very tumultuous circumstances. Although we were going through an extremely difficult time, Mr. Siemens acted very firmly on our behalf and made sure we were making the right decisions under very stressful circumstances. He always knew exactly what needed to be done, how best and carefully to proceed, and always counseled me on what to expect throughout the process. With measured persistence and patience, Mr. Siemens triumphed with a victory for my son!

Most impressive is that I never felt like I was just another file. When Mr. Siemens was with us, he was focused on us. There was never a doubt that he cared about us and the outcome of our case. He personally guided my young son through very intimidating situations with great compassion and tenderness. Mr. Siemens and his entire firm not only upheld the highest standards of esteemed character and dignity in the way they carried themselves, but also in the way they represented my son and me. I am eternally grateful!"

Posted by Anonymous